Action Book Club

About Us

In collaboration with the College of Education Student Association (COESA), Dean Karen Riley of the Morgridge College of Education (MCE) has committed to providing all incoming and current MCE Students with an eBook of How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, to foster reflection, dialogue, and antiracist action. MCE Faculty and Staff started reading the book this summer. This Fall (2020), we will all participate in a cross-college, Action Book Club (ABC) throughout the Morgridge College of Education, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, and the Graduate School of Social Work.  

The purpose of this ABC is to bring systemic issues surrounding power, privilege, and oppression to the forefront and to invite interdisciplinary community-building to address current issues. 

DU Campus

Action Book Club Survey is NOW OPEN!

Your feedback is voluntary and confidential. Our team will not be requesting and collecting any identifying or personal information, but the survey provides you with several opportunities to continue your engagement

Feedback Survey

Current Opportunities

Join Us!

The key objectives of participating in the Action Book Club are to support DU community members to:   

  • name the language of racism and its oppressive structures,   

  • critically discuss difficult topics and issues within a safe and intimate environment,   

  • analyze our personal and shared social impact in perpetuating and/or mitigating systemic oppression, and   

  • collaboratively develop and being to implement antiracist action steps to address these issues. 

Host or Join an Informal ABC

While all students are welcome and encouraged to join an Official ABC, we recognize the necessity of smaller safe spaces with friends when having challenging conversations. You are also encouraged to host or join an informal ABC throughout our DU community, scheduled directly with colleagues, to discuss the weekly ABC prompts.  


How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi

Weekly Prompts


Thank you Inclusion & Equity Education & DU DialogUes!

A huge shout out to our friends in Inclusion & Equity Education (IEE), specifically the DU DialogUes program, for collaborating with us on our facilitation materials! IEE provides students with information, skills, and opportunities for constructive engagement across difference. The facilitation training video, extended resources, weekly tips, and other parts of the process have been crafted or informed by our colleagues in IEE and DU DialogUes (a program of IEE). Check out their social accounts:

Instagram: @du_dialogues

Facebook: @IEedDU

Check out more of their work!


Thank you to DU Dialogues for creating our Action Book Club Facilitator Training Video!

DU Resources for Support

Mental Health

Please take care of yourselves and each other during this intensely stressful time. Students can call the DU Health and Counseling Center at 303-871-2205 anytime to speak to an on-call counselor. All degree-seeking students also have free, 24/7 access to tele-mental health support through DU’s My SSP: Student Support Program online, via telephone at 1-866-743-7732, or can download the mobile app

COVID-19 Resources for Minoritized Communities

Knowing that COVID-19 has disproportionately and deeply affected communities of color and other minoritized communities, we have created a resource list of campus support for your reference as our community navigates our re-opening in the coming months.

View Here

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) is committed to providing leadership, guidance, and resources in support of the University of Denver’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution. Here you will find racial justice statements and other learning resources.

View Here

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